Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Day 6 (Tuesday 12Nov19) Dubrovnik

At 6am our ship glided into the harbour of Dubrovnik. A rare town that still has its ancient 500 year old walls. It promises to be wet but interesting day.
Our view of the modern part of the town from our breakfast booth on board ship.
We took a shuttle bus from the port to the old town. The weather is light rain and cool.
The old town is impressive and geared up for tourists.
We explored and climbed the ancient walls.
The walls of the old town were impressive especially since they survived modern shell fire during 1991 during the breakup of Yugoslavia.
During our visit, a storm struck while on the walls, the wind gusts were extreme. We both had to grasp anything solid to avoid being blown away. The rain was driven so hard it stung exposed skin. The powerful wind drove us from the walls back down into the city. Once safe inside the old town we sought protection from the rain in Christmas shop. (Lucky us, as we purchased some Croatian theme Christmas decorations.) we found our way next to bakery and sampled some local savoury pastries. Finally, very wet we headed to our bus for 30 minute wait in the rain for our shuttle. shout out to Jacqueline and Anaconda for the great Helly Hansan jacket  toasty warm and dry through very heavy rain on and off all day. The queue was long, and we of course had some queue jumpers complaining most about having to wait. 
On return to the ship, we had hot shower and enjoyed some hot food. Despite rain and winds we enjoyed our shore excursion. 

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