United Airlines did their best, but Australian domestic airlines are superior by far. Airport security was very polite but wanted everything out of it's cases and shoes, belts etc off. It took awhile to get everything back on or in it's case. Easier to come naked through security.
The aircrew were great. We were lucky, it began to snow heavily and there was a chance that plane could be grounded. We were delayed as the wings were de-iced. A quick flight to Washington DC ended with a scramble tlthe next gate and expecting another extensive security check. To our surprise, no security check and 20 metre walk to our new gate! ( You got to win occasionally. )
Again the air crew were great and the flight went well.
Our arrival in Columbia SC was a joyous moment as it ended our "fast paced" part of the trip, George met us at the Airport which was great as it was nice to see a familar face who cared about us. We arrived at George & Chris's lovely home among the oak trees and squirrels. The squirrels quickly became a favourite with the girls. Certainly fascinating watching them jump from tree to tree. I knew they made their nests in trees but in the trunks. The nests are actually in the branches like a rough woody birds nest. They also not only run up and down the trunks but along the branches thick and thin and jump from branch to branch tree to tree.
We finished the day with lovely home cooked meal and great company.
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