Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Day 9 (Wednesday 3rd January 2023) Windy Wellington

 Today we awoke in windy Wellington NZ. Wellington (/ˈwɛlɪŋtən/MāoriTe Whanganui-a-Tara[tɛ ˈɸaŋanʉi a taɾa] or Pōneke [ˈpɔːnɛkɛ]) is the capital city of New Zealand. It is located at the south-western tip of the North Island, between Cook Strait and the Remutaka Range. Wellington is the third-largest city in New Zealand, and is the administrative centre of the Wellington Region. It is the world's southernmost capital of a sovereign state. Wellington features a temperate maritime climate, and is the world's windiest city by average wind speed. It is lovely to return to Wellington, as our last visit in 2015, we had to return home early for family emergency. No emergency this time, but less time so focused on new places that we hadn’t seen in 2015. 

Inter islander ferry passing by 

We docked in port and were given free shuttle buses into the city. 
City street in Wellington 
We walked along Lambert street until we reached the cable car station, and a queue. The queue didn’t take long and we met a very young Texan couple while waiting. The best part about travelling is meeting people and making new friends like we did back in 2010. 
Cable car arriving at summit 

The cable car run is very pleasant with shops, botanical Gardens, museum and other attractions waiting at the top. There also lovely views of the city and bay of Wellington. 

Botanical Gardens

Cable car museum

View of Wellington
View of Wellington

We had snack at the cable view cafe which was expensive, eg. $10 for Bundaberg ginger beer!
After a brief time of exploring the museum and the botanical gardens, we returned to the city. 

We returned to the ship mid to late afternoon, and had a lovely dinner, followed by Entertainment in the Princess theatre. A pleasant day.

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